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About Me


Vector Guitars is owned and operated by me, Dan Keber. I first started playing the guitar back in middle school. My neighbor had begun taking lessons and he would then pass on what he had learned at each lesson to me. I was immediately hooked and once I got to high school, I formed a band with some friends and began what has become a lifelong journey of playing music and developing my playing chops.


  In 2010, I decided it wasn't enough just to play the guitar, I also wanted to learn how to repair them as I am a very DIY kind of guy. I got my start by taking some guitar setup and fret work classes at the Chicago School of Guitar Making. This was a great introduction into the luthiery world and in 2012 I moved to Phoenix, AZ to study at the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery. While there I learned how to build both electric and acoustic guitars and also performed a number of different repairs. I received my certification in luthiery and moved back home to Milwaukee, WI where I have continued building and repairing instruments.


   Vector Guitars is the culmination of these many years of work and dedication to the craft. I look forward to working with you whether it's building your dream guitar or keeping the instruments you already own in peak playing condition!



Available By Appointment Only






15301 W. Cleveland Ave

New Berlin, WI 53151

© 2023 by Vector Guitars. Powered and secured by Wix

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